Keynote address: Carlo Cottarelli (IMF, FAD) 15h-16h15
Session 1 : Pension Systems and Reforms
Chair : Didier Blanchet - INSEE
Welfare, inequality and financial consequences of a multi-pillar pension system
Javier Oliveira (Catholic University of Leuven)
The instrumental value of intergenerational equity
Claire Wood (Oxford University)
TFR vs Pension Funds. A model for the analysis of the incentives to adhere to the second pillar in Italy
Lorenzo Corsini, Pier Mario Pacini, Luca Spataro (University of Pisa)
Pensions under NDC scheme for french wage earners
Christophe Albert, Jean-Baptiste Oliveau (CNAV)
Patrick Aubert (DREES)
Carole Bonnet (INED)
Vincent Iehle (University Paris-Dauphine)
Keynote address: Gordon Clark (Oxford University) 9h-10h15
Session 2: Pension funds and portofolio choices
Chair: Carlo Cottarelli - I.M.F.
Demography and the allocation of risks
Jochen Laps (Heidelberg University)
On wage uncertainty in DC pension plans
Rosario Monter (University of the Balearic Islands)
Optimal mix of funded and unfunded pension systems: the case of Luxemburg
Jean-Daniel Guiguou, Bruno Lovat, Jang Schiltz (Luxembourg School of Finance)
Voluntary saving for old age: are the objectives of self-responsability and security compatible
Bernard Casey (University of Warwick)
Carlos Pereira da Silva (ISEG, CIEF)
Jorge Bravo (University of Evora and ISEG CIEF)
Waldo Tapia (IBD)
Rosario Monter (University of the Balearic ISlands)
Session 3: Pension Systems and Labor Market
Chair: Noel Whiteside - Warwick University
Senior activity rate, retirement incentives and labor relations
Hélène Blake, Marc Sangnier (PSE)
Hélène Blake, Marc Sangnier (PSE)
How sensitive are subjective retirement expectations to increases in the statutory retirement age? The German case
Michela Coppola, Christina Benita Wilke (Mannheim Research Institute for the Economic of Aging)
The economy of the possible: pensions and informality in Latin America
Rita da Costa, Juan de Laiglesia, Emmanuelle Martinez, Angel Melguizo (OECD)
Economic growth and income distribution among retirees
Bérangère Legendre (Université d’Orléans)
How does the delayed retirement bonus affect the labor supply of french older workers
Samia Benallah
Christophe Albert (CNAV)
Cindy Duc (DREES)
El Mouhoub Mouhoud (University Paris-Dauphine)
Henri Sterdyniak (OFCE)
Session 4: Pension Funds, Insurance and Finance
Chair: Joaquim Oliveira Martins (OECD)
Generation life tables for Czech pension funds
Tomas Cipra (Charles University of Pragues)
The impact of financial crisis on pensions in latin american countries
Waldo Tapia (IBD)
Life insurance and the agency conflict: an analysis of prudential regulation to guard policyholders from excessive risk taking
Christian Wiehenkamp (Goethe University of Francfort)
Jochen Laps (Heidelberg University)
Lorenzo Corsini (University of Pisa)
Closing keynote adress: David Blake (Pension Institute Cass Business School)
Sharing longevity risk: Why government should issue longevity bonds?