13th Workshop
The 13th edition is organized in partnership with Harvard University, at Paris-Dauphine University, May 28th and 29th, 2015, Paris.
- Estimating a panel data sample selection model with part-time employment: Selection issues in wages over the life-cycle by Marike Knoef and Jim Been
- Reducing growth-dependence of the French pension system: options for reforms by Didier Blanchet, Antoine Bozio and Simon Rabate
- Does Regulation Matter? Effects on Pension Funds’ Risk Taking by L.N. Boon , M. Brière and S. Rigot
- Saving and Economic Growth in India: Estimating Long-run Relationship by Shradha H. Budhedeo
- Preliminary steps for projecting public pensions’ sustainability: calibrating a dynamic microsimulation model for the prospective and retrospective simulation of Argentina’s labour market (2003-2014) by Leonardo Calcagno
- Adverse selection in the UK annuity market and the 1956 Finance Act by Edmund Cannon, David DeMeza and Ian Tonks
- A Tradeoff between the Output and Net Foreign Asset Effects of Pension Reform by Mario Catalán and Nicolas E. Magud
- Absenteeism, Pension Reforms and Grandmothers by Flavia Coda Moscarola, Elsa Fornero and Steinar Strom
- Institutional disparities and asset allocation homologation in Italian defined contribution pension funds. How do they affect the guarantee commitment? by Paola De Vincentiis, Eleonora Isaia and Paola Zocchi
- A rank-dependent utility model of uncertain lifetime by Nicolas Drouhin
- The demand for advice in defined contribution pension plans: age, gender, and the size-of-bet effect by Gordon L. Clark, Maurizio Fiaschetti and Paul Gerrans
- On the Distributional Implications of Demographic Change by Christian Geppert
- DARM and DALM, generalized portfolio insurance for asset only and assetliability approaches by Adina Grigoriu, Actuary
- Optimal Social Insurance and Universal Day Care by Christine Ho
- Addressing Longevity Risk through Private Annuities: Issues and Options by Robert Holzmann
- Health state dependence in Europe; estimates and implications for health expenditures and pension payout schemes by L. Kools and M. G. Knoef
- Pension Wealth in France: An Assessment on Panel Data by Christophe Daniel, Anne Lavigne, Stéphane Mottet, Jesus-Herell Nze Obame, Bruno Séjourné, Christian Tagne
- A value-based approach to the redesign of US state pension plans by Zina Lekniute , Roel Beetsma and Eduard Ponds
- The long term impact of demographic change on Chilean savings and pensions by Carlos Madeira
- The value for money of annuities and other retirement income strategies in the UK by Matteo Aquilina, Robert Baker and Tommaso Majer
- Pension reform disabled by Sigurd Molster Galaasen
- Channels of risk-sharing at a micro level: savings, investments and the risk aversion heterogeneity by Faruk Balli, Filippo M. Pericoli, Eleonora Pierucci
- Frailty Modeling for clustered survival data: a simulation study by Souad ROMDHANE and Lotfi BELKACEM
- Life Insurance Demand and Financial Inclusion; Evidence from Italian households by Elisa Luciano and Mariacristina Rossi
- The way forward for India’s National Pension System by Renuka Sane and Susan Thomas
- Will They Take the Money and Work? An Empirical Analysis of People’s Willingness to Delay Claiming Social Security Benefits for a Lump Sum by Raimond Maurer, Olivia S. Mitchell, Ralph Rogalla, and Tatjana Schimetschek
- Single again? Saving patterns when widowhood occurs by Maria Cristina Rossi and Eva Sierminska
- Derived rights pensions and implicit debt of pension plans: an assessment on French data by Christian Rodrigue TAGNE
- Financial Literacy, Human Capital and Stock Market Participation in Europe: An Empirical Exercise under Endogenous Framework by Ashok Thomas and Luca Spataro
- Longevity Insurance Annuities for Public Pension Reform: International Lessons by Tianhong Chen, Gerard Hughes and John A. Turner
- The shadow of longevity – does social security reform reduce gains from increasing the retirement age? by Karolina Goraus, Krzysztof Makarski and Joanna Tyrowicz
- Private wealth and pensions across European countries by Anna Cristina d’Addio, Thomas Blanchet, Muriel Roger and Frédérique Savignac