Research chairs and initiatives


Women & Science Chair

The Women & Science Chair at Paris-Dauphine University, created in 2019 with the support of the L'Oréal Foundation, Generali, La Poste and Talan, aims to mobilize and develop multidisciplinary approaches to analyze the determinants and the impact of the low presence of women in scientific studies and careers. 

The Women & Science Chair aims to develop and disseminate works, research and knowledge, at national and international level, on girls and women in scientific fields, studies and professions, the term "scientific" refers to exact he natural sciences, with the purpose to:

  • understand the determinants of the lower representation of women in scientific careers,
  • to analyze the role of the various factors in the entourage which have an impact on the differentiation of trajectories between girls and boys, and women and men: stereotypes, parents, teachers, men, etc
  • examine the links between the scientific orientation and academic performance (results in scientific disciplines and also in literary disciplines)
  • better understand, through international benchmarks, the role of socio-cultural factors and to better analyze the relevance of public policies,
  • analyze the impact of a science that does not consider gender in the design of studies
  • analyze the impact of the absence or under-representation of women in the scientific sectors on the quality of research and the different orientations
  • evaluate the solutions, policies and experiences put in place.

Scientific Director: Elyès Jouini, professor, University Paris-Dauphine, PSL

Partners: Fondation l’Oréal, Generali, La Poste and Talan

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Governance and Regulation


The Governance and Regulation Chair is devoted to regulatory systems. The chair's goal is to contribute to developing more efficient regulatory frameworks that better account for the economic community's needs and constraints, public policy objectives, and user interests, and to elaborating the legal tools necessary to ensure that the systems are coherent and secure.

The Chair engages in three types of initiative:

  • Research projects that focus on the organization and assessment of regulatory systems in order to formulate recommendations to improve regulatory frameworks and tools
  • Academic initiatives for traditional university and executive education programs. On this note, the Chair launched an Executive Master's in Competition and Regulation for the 2015-2016 academic year. The program is designed to train experts in the economic, strategic and legal aspects of regulation
  • Encourage and organize public debate on governance and regulation by engaging in knowledge sharing and dissemination for a broad-based audience and by organizing working groups, conferences and symposia that bring together regulatory actors and stakeholders.

Scientific Director: Eric Brousseau

French public and government partners: Conseil d’État, Conseil Général de l'économie, Cour des comptes

Professional Partners: De Pardieu Brocas Maffei, Frontier, Ylios

Finance and Sustainable Development

The Finance and Sustainable Development Chair works to build a body of knowledge on topics related to Sustainable Development and Finance through transversal and cross-disciplinary research. The Chair's ambition is to establish itself as an advisory body for economic and political policy-makers and to encourage them to make investment decisions that reflect their societal priorities.

The Chair's research projects can be divided into five categories:

  • Mean field game theory
  • Environmental discount rates and climate economics
  • Financial aspects of the energy and carbon markets  
  • Biodiversity, agriculture and exhaustible natural resources
  • Long term risk and quantitative methods

Coordinators: Jean-Michel Lasry and Pierre-Louis Lions

Partners: Crédit Agricole CIB et EDF

Climate Economics

The Climate Economics Chair focuses on applied research and on encouraging innovative teaching methods in the field of Climate Economics. The Chair develops research initiatives in collaboration with its corporate and academic partners on a variety of topics from carbon pricing and carbon markets to investment strategy, law, regulation and mobility.

The Chair coordinates a team of researchers who belong to an international network in the field and who carry out their research in collaboration with carbon market professionals and policy-makers.

The Climate Economics Chair coordinates five thematic research initiatives spanning all aspects of Climate Economics:

  • Carbon pricing and carbon markets
  • Agriculture, forests, food and climate change
  • Mobility in a low-carbon world
  • Law, regulation and climate
  • Environmental transition

The Chair benefits from the active support and participation of numerous corporate partners.

Scientific Directors: Christian de Perthuis and Pierre-André Jouvet

Corporate Partners: CDC Climat, CSTB, Amundi, Solvay, GDF Suez, HSBC, Veolia, Michelin, EDF, Total, Astrium, InVivo, and Proléa

Health Care


The Health Care Chair is a joint Université Paris Dauphine – ENSAE initiative. The Chair has three main objectives:

  • Further research initiatives in Health Care Economics
  • Bring together the most talented researchers in the field to work on topics essential to current public policy issues
  • Contribute to raising the quality of public debate on questions of efficacy and regulation

The Chair organizes its research initiatives around five main areas:

  • Health insurance systems
  • Regulating health care providers
  • Coverage and access to health care
  • The value of health care and the level of health care expenditure
  • Aging and health care expenditure

Scientific Director: Brigitte Dormont

Corporate partners: MGEN and Institut Montparnasse

Academic partner: ENSAE ParisTech


Research Initiatives

Quantitative Management Initiative


 The Quantitative Management Initiative promotes Quantitative Finance and its benefits for research, risk management and investment value creation, and encourages increased exchange between the academic world and quantitative management professionals.

QMI focuses its actions on:

  • Developing quantitative research applications for asset management
  • Facilitating the transfer of expertise between the academic world and asset management professionals
  • Carrying out quantitative research on issues central to QMI's corporate partners
  • Encouraging joint research initiatives with one or several cutting-edge companies in the area of quantitative management
  • Promoting the image and prestige of quantitative approaches to asset management
  • Increasing and consolidating QMI partners expertise and excellence through reflection, research and training at an international level
  • Reflecting on changes in the asset management regulatory framework (markets and professionals).

Scientific Director: Gaëlle le Fol

Corporate partners: QuantValley, GFI securities et UBS securities

Academic partner: ENSAE ParisTech

Research Center for Energy Financing

The Center for Energy Financing, is a Fondation IEF research initiative. Its purpose is to host university researchers from all horizons who wish to work together with research engineers from EDF's Research & Development department  on joint projects involving mathematical economics and quantitative finance applied to long term energy financing.

The initiative functions within the framework of the Finance and Sustainable Development Laboratory of Excellence (LABEX) under the aegis of the Institut Louis Bachelier.

The research initiative currently covers two main themes:

  • Energy market risk economics
  • Numerical methods for optimal stochastic control

Scientific Director: Clémence Alasseur

Corporate partner: EDF

Academic partners: Ecole Polytechnique, GENES, and Institut Europlace de Finance


Modeling the Integration of Oilseed Markets (MiMO)

Integration of vegetable oil markets (rapeseed, sunflower, palm, soybean), the petroleum market and foreign exchange markets based on price and volume data.

Agriculture is one of the most risky of economic sectors. Agronomic and meteorological risks are compounded by market risks. Volumes and prices vary considerably, often unexpectedly, and sometimes in a lasting way. Farmers are able to mitigate these risks:

  • through choices pertaining to crops, with diversification being the most obvious and oldest method,
  • through technical choices, including close monitoring of growth and pests, the occasional application of fertilizers, pesticides, etc., with the help of weather forecasts,
  • through commercial choices, such as cooperatives and contracts,
  • through financial choices, such as insurance, forward sales, futures and options.

The commercial and financial choices are mainly driven by uncertainties regarding outlets and prices.


Modelling, econometrics.

Work envisaged

On the statistical side: better knowledge of the interactions between commodities (movements and co-movements, graph theory), more specific new empirical work on oilseeds, and the interaction with foreign exchange markets and carbon prices.

On the modelling side: price formation, risk management methods in an unstable and relatively illiquid environment, and the value of risk measures.

Scientifics Directors: Delphine Lautier et Bertrand Villeneuve 

Partner: SAIPOL

Academic partner: Université Paris-Dauphine

The Research Initiative is hosted by the Europlace Institute of Finance Foundation (IEF).

The Research Initiative benefits from the scientific sponsorship of the Finance and Sustainable Development Chair.